The Power of Racism

I’m excited to share Frankie & Alice to anyone who may not be familiar with the film. It is a true story about a woman learning to control Schizophrenia. At the core of Francine’s struggles are the racial injustices she experienced throughout her lifetime as well as her heartache. There are two characters present in Frankie, a racist older caucasian lady and a child genius, and of course there is Frankie. Racism is more powerful than I imagined. I hope this film challenges everyone to think about racism and how it affects our society in addition to as Halle stated, to show compassion for those who may be struggling with a mental condition and needs just a little love and help. My remedy to every situation is to sprinkle a little love on top. Expressing empathy, compassion, and love are not difficult tasks, you’ll be amazed at how you feel afterwards. PLEASE WATCH!!!

How To Fight Racism Muhammad Ali Style

Muhammad Ali was very clever in this interview. While he is addressing the adversities and obvious social differences in America during the time of this video, there is a very important message here. I hope this clip challenges you to look into your history and really learn your ancestry. For America as a whole, we all have been manipulated into believing a false history and continue practices that are a hinder to us and our planet. There is a racial divide in America, whether or not anyone wants to acknowledge it, we all are victims of racism and our structural system. We don’t have to be, we need to first acknowledge it and then show each other a little love.

Challenge: How To Fight Racism

I love this process of correcting my racial biases, at the end of the day I really do feel happy. It’s exciting to know that I am in control of my emotions, feelings, thoughts…this is true power. Very liberating.

Updated Post: I was unaware of the influence Classical Music has had in civilization. I was introduced to the idea of listening to Beethoven after watching a documentary called Hidden Colors. The irony in Classical Music and its reference to “Soul Music” is it was used to heal ailments. The piano was formed from the guitar, xylophone and harp. The three came together to (my philosophy) produce healing for the masses. There is so much about the development of our history we are unaware of. I challenge you to seek a deeper truth in something you may already. I’m not asking you to immediately disregard everything you know but just challenge your mind, this is the true meaning of critical thinking. It may be something small for example, we all can agree there is water in between countries, “separating them”. Think of what the word separate really means. Some synonyms are unconnected, unrelatedIf these countries were really separate how are we able to reach them. Assume for a second, airplanes did not exist. Would we not be able to get to them? Does the water not connect them together? You may follow me and you may not but think about it. My intention is to challenge you to challenge your mind, you’ll be amazed at the discoveries, I am!

Previous Post: I was unaware of the Black influence on Classical Music and was introduced to this idea after watching the Hidden Colors documentary. I am beginning with Beethoven for the obvious reasons. His mother was a moor (meaning a black women, moor is a color not a person) and his direct African/Black affiliation is not emphasized.

As with anything concerning blacks, the depictions have been manipulated over time. Beethoven’s hair obtained so much attention because of it’s texture, indigenous to the characteristics of black people’s hair. Any African ancestry is barely mentioned in history texts and it was known that his mother was a Moor. I was not surprised at the difficulty of obtaining clues to the validity of his nationality and barely mentions his mother. I wonder why that is.

Classical music was derived from combining the concepts of the Harp, Xylophone and guitar to produce the piano. The Moors used “classical music” as we know it today but was considered soul music because it was used to heal the sick. The Moors would introduce music in the British colonies along with the Spanish. This style of music like many other was stripped from the Africans and passed off as British.

Racism: The Adoption Feeling

I think it’s important I share my true thoughts and feelings in my quest to combat racism. The road to self realization and higher conscious is not an easy and often times a very tough one. No one wants to accept or be informed that their entire life or identity has been fabricated or to realize you have been living in oblivion. I recently went through a realization of my own and it was a scary experience, a religious awakening if you’re curious.

  1. Curious
  2. Anxious/Scared
  3. Increase in Heart Rate
  4. Hyperventilation (I did not hyperventilate but damn near)
  5. Nauseous
  6. Denial
  7. Confused/Angry
  8. Questions Arise
  9. Accepting
  10. Empowered, Liberated, Happy, Fearless, Relaxed, Confident

I imagine the same pattern of emotions or some sort is felt when we discuss racism. To be told you are a racist, is a harsh thing and it is very easy to offend someone and close off communication. I was not adopted but I have heard a similar account of emotions being felt from people who I know who are adopted and was my inspiration for this post. As a country, we all have been lied to and it’s not our fault. We are at fault for allowing it to continue to happen once we are aware. I hope this challenges everyone to really stop and observe the system we live in. Realize it, Accept it and then change it, we can do it.

Ponerology: Study of Evil

Thank you Red Dust for introducing me to Ponerology.

Please take the time to watch this video on how we experience evil everyday. We are manipulated by our fears and thus it gives those that are in power, anyone in a powerful position (Law Enforcement, Religious Figures, Political figures, Judges (See where I’m going with this) the pleasure and ability to complete control our thoughts, feelings and fears. This is also why I feel it is easy to study human behavior because we are being manipulated to participate in a system designed to utilize us how it see’s fit. Please do not misinterpret what I mean, the evil is the system and not necessarily a specific person and a lot of people are unaware of this evil. Just really think for yourselves for a moment and really look at the world around you.

Racism = Bully

The real devil is racism and not the evil red figure with horns. We are living fear everyday of Ebola or contracting aids and do not realize we all have a disease called RACISM ingrained in our minds that is more powerful than any other disease I can think ok. We have not been able to find a cure for it and that’s because we don’t realize we have it. It’s sort of like having a piece of spinach stuck in between your teeth while you’re on a date. How can you get rid of the Spinach if the strikingly good looking gentleman across from you is staring at if you are not aware that it is there. You will either wait for him to tell you or you may look in the mirror and figure it out for yourself (See where I am going with this). While the comparison are different levels of intensity, the moral is recognizing racism is real, racism is alive and its bullying us, I don’t like bullies, do you?

Voting in St. Louis, Missouri & Worldwide

As voting season approaches, I want to urge everyone to double check your registration is valid and updated. If you choose to submit a voter’s registration form from downloading it online, make sure you sign all documents before mailing them in and make copies of your documents. I was made aware of a situation that occurred today where a friend of mine noticed that she received two notifications from voting registration. The first letter states that she is registered to vote and the second letter indicates she is not registered. Observation 1: when you fill out a registration form from a representative, let’s say the ones that are on foot close to voting time, the representative will ensure you fill out the form correctly because if you do not, they are not paid. When you mail in your own registration form you are not double checked for doing so and one can easily say you did not sign all documents and thus you will not be registered to vote come voting day and unable to provoke change. (See where I am going with this) We all know things can get a little suspect around voting times. Your vote can change current political and judicial figures in office who do not protect the rights of the citizens and purposely target “minorities” (we really aren’t minorities, #HiddenColors), your vote can better control the use of guns and reduce gun violence, hold law enforcement officials accountable for their actions. So please please please make sure you are registered to vote and have the proper documentation especially if you believe voting makes a difference.

Dream Defenders: Child Bullet Proof Vest


Photo Credit:

A Black Activist Group in Florida Aims to Inspire Black Voters With Incredibly Chilling Ad

Know your kids are safe at home by buying them a bulletproof vest. This is one of the most effective ads I have ever seen. It takes at the core of the problem and I think it puts how serious gun violence and police brutality is amongst society. I hope this ad is perceived how I know it was intended. African-American parents are scared that their child may be the next Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin who in modern times is similar to Emmet Till. Black males and females are scared they will be the next headline and they should not have to live in this fear. This is a huge problem and we must fix it.