Osho Tip of the Day:

Osho’s Awareness, “The Key to Living Life in Balance”, has changed my life for the better. I believe this book has the power to change the mind of every reader brave enough to challenge their mind. Osho utilizes real life situations to translate his message. My only suggestion is to dig deeper into the words and to read each page as if it is your first time reading a book in your life, that is when the essence of the books transforms you and you begin to see yourself and life clearly. I am witness to this experience and I can assure you will not be disappointed. Once we change our minds we change everything.

Osho Tip of the Day: Mind is one of the most beautiful mechanisms. Science has not been able to create anything parallel to mind. The mind still remains the masterpiece, so complicated, so tremendously powerful, with so many potentialities. So take care of your mind, nourish it and witness the beauty the minds creates. (Located on page 108)

For me the mind is sacred, intricate, strong yet delicate. We all have the power to control our emotions, thoughts and life entirely by changing the filters of your brain to happier and positive ones.

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