Osho Tip of the Day:

Osho’s Awareness, “The Key to Living Life in Balance”, has changed my life for the better. I believe this book has the power to change the mind of every reader brave enough to challenge their mind. Osho utilizes real life situations to translate his message. My only suggestion is to dig deeper into the words and to read each page as if it is your first time reading a book in your life, that is when the essence of the books transforms you and you begin to see yourself and life clearly. I am witness to this experience and I can assure you will not be disappointed. Once we change our minds we change everything.

Osho Tip of the Day: Mind is one of the most beautiful mechanisms. Science has not been able to create anything parallel to mind. The mind still remains the masterpiece, so complicated, so tremendously powerful, with so many potentialities. So take care of your mind, nourish it and witness the beauty the minds creates. (Located on page 108)

For me the mind is sacred, intricate, strong yet delicate. We all have the power to control our emotions, thoughts and life entirely by changing the filters of your brain to happier and positive ones.

A Beautiful Mind or Schizo


My perspective on “mentally challenged” individuals has drastically changed after watching this film as well as Frankie & Alice. What we don’t understand we label as “retarded” or “stupid’ or more respectfully “mentally challenged”, when in reality the minds of Schizophrenia patients are often genius. While there are pros and cons to having this condition, I feel the minds of Schizophrenia patients are splendid and misunderstood. Numbers also are featured in this film a lot, I can’t help but to wonder of its importance.

This story also reminds me of Winnie and Nelson Mandela’s struggles to abolish apartheid. Different situations but the same concept of compassion, love, humanity, partnership, faith and unity.

Numerology: Cheat Sheet to Life

My life path calculations: 02/05/1990= 0+2+0+5+1+9+9+0= 26 = 2+6= 8

According to Numerology, my life path number is 8. Numerology and Astrology are highly overlooked and I challenge you to open your mind to the idea of other possibilities or other practices they may explain your life better. I have always felt “WHY ME”?, I worked hard throughout college and yet I find myself having the worst of luck. In my opinion, numerology and astrology offers the same principles in life as many religions, its simply a different language. I would say if you are a skeptic, just try numerology against small things in your life and analyze the results. After learning the characteristics of my path number, my life instantly makes more sense and I feel I have a cheat sheet on how to understand occurrences in my life and how to deal with them.

We have to stop and think of the importance of numbers and how EVERYTHING in life has a numerical component, call it coincidence but I am curious to at least explore what Numerology has to offer, can’t be that much worse than other techniques. Challenge your mind, are they really just numbers?

The Power of Racism


I’m excited to share Frankie & Alice to anyone who may not be familiar with the film. It is a true story about a woman learning to control Schizophrenia. At the core of Francine’s struggles are the racial injustices she experienced throughout her lifetime as well as her heartache. There are two characters present in Frankie, a racist older caucasian lady and a child genius, and of course there is Frankie. Racism is more powerful than I imagined. I hope this film challenges everyone to think about racism and how it affects our society in addition to as Halle stated, to show compassion for those who may be struggling with a mental condition and needs just a little love and help. My remedy to every situation is to sprinkle a little love on top. Expressing empathy, compassion, and love are not difficult tasks, you’ll be amazed at how you feel afterwards. PLEASE WATCH!!!

How To Fight Racism Muhammad Ali Style

Muhammad Ali was very clever in this interview. While he is addressing the adversities and obvious social differences in America during the time of this video, there is a very important message here. I hope this clip challenges you to look into your history and really learn your ancestry. For America as a whole, we all have been manipulated into believing a false history and continue practices that are a hinder to us and our planet. There is a racial divide in America, whether or not anyone wants to acknowledge it, we all are victims of racism and our structural system. We don’t have to be, we need to first acknowledge it and then show each other a little love.

How to Control Someone’s Mind: Don’t Knock It Until You Try It.

images-2Disclaimer: No this is not about how Kanye is controlling Kim’s mind, silly. These techniques can work for different aspects in life. If you are skeptical, just remember the saying “don’t knock it until you try it”. These tools will provide you with the ability to control ANYTHING and be able to MANIPULATE anything you want to your benefit. Anything. I’ll give you a real life example of how it currently works. Challenge your mind to consider that anything is possible and consider all possibilities, you’ll be astonished, I’m so excited for you all. METHOD & EXAMPLES

  1. Figure out their weakness. Everything has a weakness, a habit or pattern that will allow you to take control of their every move. Example: Everything in life is fueled by “money”, if you do not have money you are not able to buy your medicine, insurance in case the children, your parents or even you get sick, especially with Ebola going around.
  2. You are not able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life like having a family, living in a nice house, driving a nice car, making sure your kids are fed and things like that. Sort of how we as human work so hard to get money when it really is killing us and our planet, we created money, which means we created our own weakness and can take it away. Money is made from cotton which means we really could just burn it really, money is not power it is perceived power or fake power.
  3. After you know the weakness, you can manipulate their every move or be able to figure our what a person will do before they do it. Example: Think of how the economy or the world you live in is set up, economy mean to “good and services produced to be bought and sold for profit, by carefully using its resources”.
  4.  OR “if you want to eat, have a nice home, be happy, have a good job, you have to work to make money and then you can have a piece of mind and be happy” OR “if the person you are trying to control does not know you are aware of their weaknesses you can control them” We are too busy working for money, to be granted the right to be happy and survive to realize that our minds are being controlled by our FEAR to make money and be able to live a happy life.
  5. OH! And if we were using our resources efficiently in this economy we wouldn’t have things such as THE NATURAL GAS IS RUNNING OUT and WATER DRYING UP! We dig for more gas —-> to put in cars —-> to get to work —-> to make money —->so that we can be happy —–> and feed our children —-> basically be granted the right to be alive. HOW DOES MONEY CONTROL THAT! YOU ARE BORN WITH THAT RIGHT! 
  6. LET”S GET RID OF MONEY!! or Let’s Continue to have our minds controlled by Money, Politics, The Government and then we ALL will be happy.

HAKUNA MATATA: How To Eliminate Fear From Your Life


At the end of this post I hope everyone takes from it this: WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO LITERALLY CONTROL ANYTHING WE WANT IN LIFE. CHALLENGE YOUR MIND TO SEE DEEPER INTO WHAT YOU MAY ALREADY KNOW. Your mind is far more amazing than you may realize.


  1. We are living in a capitalist society. Capitalism can be broken down to “the only way you can survive, provide a means for your family, be happy, live a wonderful life is to have money” and if you have money THEN and ONLY THEN can you be happy and fulfill your purpose in life”
  2. What fuels the society? Fuel can mean “to keep going” or “ignite”, therefore money keeps the capitalist society going and keeps YOU from being happy in life.
  3. We are taught that the “moremoney you have the happier you will be in life, so to be happier you work to make money. We are also told the harder you work your chances are increased of making “moremoney, essentially this pattern is teaching you to want “more” to need “more‘, to basically be greedy. The FEAR (fear is fake and was designed to hinders society) factor is what fuels this because no one wants to be sad in life everyone wants the “AMERICAN DREAM”…toast to cliche’s in the dark past!
  4. What comes along with being “greedy”? Within this society, normally it leads to jealousy because there will always be someone who has more than the next capitalist society is built that way, communism means to “share” and that’s exactly what we ALL need to do is SHARE and we all will be equally happy. Sharing is caring for a reason people and that reason is because it truly makes the world go round.
  5. This cycle leads to murders, theft, lies, deceit, wars, imprisonment, mass murders, which leads to separation and individualism which means basically don’t work together and everyone only look out for themselves…AKA SELFISHNESS or classically known as survival of the fittest (or only people that can be controlled will be able to live life….WHAT?!)
  6. We can do literally anything we put our minds to. I challenge you to consider for just a second that (FEAR IS FAKE AND DOES NOT EXIST)..when you remove this fear you can do anything because you are able to see life clearer and basically have no worries HAKUNA MATATA! Ultimate Happiness Life With No Worries AKA Fear AKA Money.

Challenge: How To Fight Racism

I love this process of correcting my racial biases, at the end of the day I really do feel happy. It’s exciting to know that I am in control of my emotions, feelings, thoughts…this is true power. Very liberating.

Updated Post: I was unaware of the influence Classical Music has had in civilization. I was introduced to the idea of listening to Beethoven after watching a documentary called Hidden Colors. The irony in Classical Music and its reference to “Soul Music” is it was used to heal ailments. The piano was formed from the guitar, xylophone and harp. The three came together to (my philosophy) produce healing for the masses. There is so much about the development of our history we are unaware of. I challenge you to seek a deeper truth in something you may already. I’m not asking you to immediately disregard everything you know but just challenge your mind, this is the true meaning of critical thinking. It may be something small for example, we all can agree there is water in between countries, “separating them”. Think of what the word separate really means. Some synonyms are unconnected, unrelatedIf these countries were really separate how are we able to reach them. Assume for a second, airplanes did not exist. Would we not be able to get to them? Does the water not connect them together? You may follow me and you may not but think about it. My intention is to challenge you to challenge your mind, you’ll be amazed at the discoveries, I am!

Previous Post: I was unaware of the Black influence on Classical Music and was introduced to this idea after watching the Hidden Colors documentary. I am beginning with Beethoven for the obvious reasons. His mother was a moor (meaning a black women, moor is a color not a person) and his direct African/Black affiliation is not emphasized.

As with anything concerning blacks, the depictions have been manipulated over time. Beethoven’s hair obtained so much attention because of it’s texture, indigenous to the characteristics of black people’s hair. Any African ancestry is barely mentioned in history texts and it was known that his mother was a Moor. I was not surprised at the difficulty of obtaining clues to the validity of his nationality and barely mentions his mother. I wonder why that is.

Classical music was derived from combining the concepts of the Harp, Xylophone and guitar to produce the piano. The Moors used “classical music” as we know it today but was considered soul music because it was used to heal the sick. The Moors would introduce music in the British colonies along with the Spanish. This style of music like many other was stripped from the Africans and passed off as British.

How To Fight Racism

I want to share some realizations I had about life today.


  1. We as a society must be empathetic and respect other human sensitivities.
  2. We must not be ashamed or fearful of our differences, they make us who we are.
  3. We must practice good behavior and have genuinely good intentions. If we all just genuinely were committed to ensuring everyone is happy we all will be happy and life would be great! The thought of that is so exciting to me.

Realizations or Ideas for combatting Racism and more importantly the system.

  1. We live in a corrupt and evil system designed by our ancestors, this system was designed because they were selfish and simply did not wish good fortune for everyone around them.
  2. That is the root of the problem. 
  3. The capitalist society is a system and like any system, once you figure out how it operates you can manipulate it. For example: Scientists perform tests so they can study the characteristics of viruses and other harmful, essentially learning their system and characteristics. Learning the system of harmful agents allows doctors to create medicine to treat the illnesses .
  4. We live in a system and it has some life threatening viruses: Religion, greed, control, money,  jealousy, FEAR, envy, lack of empathy are some that I identified today. We must study the characteristics of these viruses and learn their every move and realize how they are corrupting our society.

I plan to post many posts similar to this. I feel if we relate our social struggles to relatable occurrences in life, we can collectively come together. There are strength in numbers.