How To Fight Racism

I want to share some realizations I had about life today.


  1. We as a society must be empathetic and respect other human sensitivities.
  2. We must not be ashamed or fearful of our differences, they make us who we are.
  3. We must practice good behavior and have genuinely good intentions. If we all just genuinely were committed to ensuring everyone is happy we all will be happy and life would be great! The thought of that is so exciting to me.

Realizations or Ideas for combatting Racism and more importantly the system.

  1. We live in a corrupt and evil system designed by our ancestors, this system was designed because they were selfish and simply did not wish good fortune for everyone around them.
  2. That is the root of the problem. 
  3. The capitalist society is a system and like any system, once you figure out how it operates you can manipulate it. For example: Scientists perform tests so they can study the characteristics of viruses and other harmful, essentially learning their system and characteristics. Learning the system of harmful agents allows doctors to create medicine to treat the illnesses .
  4. We live in a system and it has some life threatening viruses: Religion, greed, control, money,  jealousy, FEAR, envy, lack of empathy are some that I identified today. We must study the characteristics of these viruses and learn their every move and realize how they are corrupting our society.

I plan to post many posts similar to this. I feel if we relate our social struggles to relatable occurrences in life, we can collectively come together. There are strength in numbers.

Racism: The Adoption Feeling

I think it’s important I share my true thoughts and feelings in my quest to combat racism. The road to self realization and higher conscious is not an easy and often times a very tough one. No one wants to accept or be informed that their entire life or identity has been fabricated or to realize you have been living in oblivion. I recently went through a realization of my own and it was a scary experience, a religious awakening if you’re curious.

  1. Curious
  2. Anxious/Scared
  3. Increase in Heart Rate
  4. Hyperventilation (I did not hyperventilate but damn near)
  5. Nauseous
  6. Denial
  7. Confused/Angry
  8. Questions Arise
  9. Accepting
  10. Empowered, Liberated, Happy, Fearless, Relaxed, Confident

I imagine the same pattern of emotions or some sort is felt when we discuss racism. To be told you are a racist, is a harsh thing and it is very easy to offend someone and close off communication. I was not adopted but I have heard a similar account of emotions being felt from people who I know who are adopted and was my inspiration for this post. As a country, we all have been lied to and it’s not our fault. We are at fault for allowing it to continue to happen once we are aware. I hope this challenges everyone to really stop and observe the system we live in. Realize it, Accept it and then change it, we can do it.

Jane Elliot: Typical Statements

Typical Statements regarding race and racism.

There is no reason to be ashamed of what we have been conditioned to think and feel regarding race. Once we all are brave enough to admit and be proud of racial differences, we then can begin empowering each other. Take the test and evaluate your results, be honest and accepting of your discovery, understand what your results mean and then commit to changing them for the better and for the sake of humanity.

Clarification of the Typical Statements.

The Lion King in Observation


Photo Credit:

Photo Credit: Black Race lived in castles, wore expensive garbs and jewelry, heavily rooted in religion, wealthy and healthy.

Opening Scene: As the Lion King begins, SImba is being born, there is a celebration for the new life entering the circle of life, the animals are happy, the city is flourishing. The same sort of prosperity is seen in the beginning of the black race and amongst society as a whole.

At the age of 4, I drastically overlooked the importance of this scene. Mufasa is explaining the balance of life and how we must respect all walks of life no matter your social status. This very concept has been lost in the evolution of the human race. While Mufasa is referring to animals, the human race black, white, asian and all races, we are all connected, there is a balance and we must restore it. This scene also demonstrates the importance of teaching your children their history, the true history.

Once you have educated your children on their history, culture and true essence, you will embed more into your child’s esteem than you may be aware. I have no children and I am not expert. However, I am equipped heavily with common sense. Realizing self is powerful. Teach your children where they came from, watch Hidden Colors, make sure they understand. Once you learn who you are, you are unstoppable. This will be the one of the most important weapons in restoring the balance.