Challenge: How To Fight Racism

I love this process of correcting my racial biases, at the end of the day I really do feel happy. It’s exciting to know that I am in control of my emotions, feelings, thoughts…this is true power. Very liberating.

Updated Post: I was unaware of the influence Classical Music has had in civilization. I was introduced to the idea of listening to Beethoven after watching a documentary called Hidden Colors. The irony in Classical Music and its reference to “Soul Music” is it was used to heal ailments. The piano was formed from the guitar, xylophone and harp. The three came together to (my philosophy) produce healing for the masses. There is so much about the development of our history we are unaware of. I challenge you to seek a deeper truth in something you may already. I’m not asking you to immediately disregard everything you know but just challenge your mind, this is the true meaning of critical thinking. It may be something small for example, we all can agree there is water in between countries, “separating them”. Think of what the word separate really means. Some synonyms are unconnected, unrelatedIf these countries were really separate how are we able to reach them. Assume for a second, airplanes did not exist. Would we not be able to get to them? Does the water not connect them together? You may follow me and you may not but think about it. My intention is to challenge you to challenge your mind, you’ll be amazed at the discoveries, I am!

Previous Post: I was unaware of the Black influence on Classical Music and was introduced to this idea after watching the Hidden Colors documentary. I am beginning with Beethoven for the obvious reasons. His mother was a moor (meaning a black women, moor is a color not a person) and his direct African/Black affiliation is not emphasized.

As with anything concerning blacks, the depictions have been manipulated over time. Beethoven’s hair obtained so much attention because of it’s texture, indigenous to the characteristics of black people’s hair. Any African ancestry is barely mentioned in history texts and it was known that his mother was a Moor. I was not surprised at the difficulty of obtaining clues to the validity of his nationality and barely mentions his mother. I wonder why that is.

Classical music was derived from combining the concepts of the Harp, Xylophone and guitar to produce the piano. The Moors used “classical music” as we know it today but was considered soul music because it was used to heal the sick. The Moors would introduce music in the British colonies along with the Spanish. This style of music like many other was stripped from the Africans and passed off as British.

11 thoughts on “Challenge: How To Fight Racism

      • I know! Same with me. Alternative history is a better read because it has more than just propaganda or just one side of the story. I’ve been reading alternative history for more than 20 years. It has really widened my view of the world and I have a better understanding of how the world really works.

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      • Yes! This is the very liberating and empowering, we may have different examples but we’re on the same page Red Dust. I needed to know someone else out there thinks like me. Thank you. What type of alternative history material have you been reading?


      • OMG, I have a huge list…Just one disclaimer, I don’t agree with any of the authors I read 100%. Right now I am reading a book called “Then Everything Changed,” Stunning Alternative Histories of American Politics by Jeff Greenfield. I like Noam Chomsky as well and Douglas Rushkoff…I have like a hundred authors I really like. I just pulled these guys off the top of my head. I lost most of my mind last night when I went to sleep. Every morning I have to gather it up, I haven’t found all of today…


      • I will add those to my lists, there is this one book I haven’t found yet but its called the Secret Life of Pyramids, have you read that one by chance? You’re suppposesd to make your own interpretations, everyone sees and experiences things differently so we all won’t agree or may agree in different ways and not realize the similarities. I can relate, when you realize there is more to life than you were aware it changes alot, a learning experience all over but a more exciting one! There is so much information to retain that it gives me a headache and I get frustrated as I try to make sense of it all, I like walking and listening to classical music, it really grounds me and gets my mind focus because it is out there sometimes haha

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      • I have a hard time retaining information that does not relate to my life. I love data on ancient civilizations. I believe the human race was around when dinosaurs walked the world. That’s when the world was actually much smaller and gravity was different. They (establishment archeologist) have found 9 foot tall humanoid skeletons in ancient graves but never publish their findings…(this is way out in la-la-la land thinking but I living in boxes) How did pyramids pop up all over the world anyway? How did folks using bronze hammers make and move 20 ton stones and set them together so tightly a laser is needed to measure the set of the stone. I’ll check out the book. Thank you ❤


      • College is indoctrination into the Hive Mind…Hive Mind is boring and will numb your soul. I know folk who are so invested in their college education and this matrix. They will die defending it as it eats away at their soul.


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