The Power of Racism

I’m excited to share Frankie & Alice to anyone who may not be familiar with the film. It is a true story about a woman learning to control Schizophrenia. At the core of Francine’s struggles are the racial injustices she experienced throughout her lifetime as well as her heartache. There are two characters present in Frankie, a racist older caucasian lady and a child genius, and of course there is Frankie. Racism is more powerful than I imagined. I hope this film challenges everyone to think about racism and how it affects our society in addition to as Halle stated, to show compassion for those who may be struggling with a mental condition and needs just a little love and help. My remedy to every situation is to sprinkle a little love on top. Expressing empathy, compassion, and love are not difficult tasks, you’ll be amazed at how you feel afterwards. PLEASE WATCH!!!

HAKUNA MATATA: How To Eliminate Fear From Your Life


At the end of this post I hope everyone takes from it this: WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO LITERALLY CONTROL ANYTHING WE WANT IN LIFE. CHALLENGE YOUR MIND TO SEE DEEPER INTO WHAT YOU MAY ALREADY KNOW. Your mind is far more amazing than you may realize.


  1. We are living in a capitalist society. Capitalism can be broken down to “the only way you can survive, provide a means for your family, be happy, live a wonderful life is to have money” and if you have money THEN and ONLY THEN can you be happy and fulfill your purpose in life”
  2. What fuels the society? Fuel can mean “to keep going” or “ignite”, therefore money keeps the capitalist society going and keeps YOU from being happy in life.
  3. We are taught that the “moremoney you have the happier you will be in life, so to be happier you work to make money. We are also told the harder you work your chances are increased of making “moremoney, essentially this pattern is teaching you to want “more” to need “more‘, to basically be greedy. The FEAR (fear is fake and was designed to hinders society) factor is what fuels this because no one wants to be sad in life everyone wants the “AMERICAN DREAM”…toast to cliche’s in the dark past!
  4. What comes along with being “greedy”? Within this society, normally it leads to jealousy because there will always be someone who has more than the next capitalist society is built that way, communism means to “share” and that’s exactly what we ALL need to do is SHARE and we all will be equally happy. Sharing is caring for a reason people and that reason is because it truly makes the world go round.
  5. This cycle leads to murders, theft, lies, deceit, wars, imprisonment, mass murders, which leads to separation and individualism which means basically don’t work together and everyone only look out for themselves…AKA SELFISHNESS or classically known as survival of the fittest (or only people that can be controlled will be able to live life….WHAT?!)
  6. We can do literally anything we put our minds to. I challenge you to consider for just a second that (FEAR IS FAKE AND DOES NOT EXIST)..when you remove this fear you can do anything because you are able to see life clearer and basically have no worries HAKUNA MATATA! Ultimate Happiness Life With No Worries AKA Fear AKA Money.

Racism: The Adoption Feeling

I think it’s important I share my true thoughts and feelings in my quest to combat racism. The road to self realization and higher conscious is not an easy and often times a very tough one. No one wants to accept or be informed that their entire life or identity has been fabricated or to realize you have been living in oblivion. I recently went through a realization of my own and it was a scary experience, a religious awakening if you’re curious.

  1. Curious
  2. Anxious/Scared
  3. Increase in Heart Rate
  4. Hyperventilation (I did not hyperventilate but damn near)
  5. Nauseous
  6. Denial
  7. Confused/Angry
  8. Questions Arise
  9. Accepting
  10. Empowered, Liberated, Happy, Fearless, Relaxed, Confident

I imagine the same pattern of emotions or some sort is felt when we discuss racism. To be told you are a racist, is a harsh thing and it is very easy to offend someone and close off communication. I was not adopted but I have heard a similar account of emotions being felt from people who I know who are adopted and was my inspiration for this post. As a country, we all have been lied to and it’s not our fault. We are at fault for allowing it to continue to happen once we are aware. I hope this challenges everyone to really stop and observe the system we live in. Realize it, Accept it and then change it, we can do it.

Ponerology: Study of Evil

Thank you Red Dust for introducing me to Ponerology.

Please take the time to watch this video on how we experience evil everyday. We are manipulated by our fears and thus it gives those that are in power, anyone in a powerful position (Law Enforcement, Religious Figures, Political figures, Judges (See where I’m going with this) the pleasure and ability to complete control our thoughts, feelings and fears. This is also why I feel it is easy to study human behavior because we are being manipulated to participate in a system designed to utilize us how it see’s fit. Please do not misinterpret what I mean, the evil is the system and not necessarily a specific person and a lot of people are unaware of this evil. Just really think for yourselves for a moment and really look at the world around you.

Voting in St. Louis, Missouri & Worldwide

As voting season approaches, I want to urge everyone to double check your registration is valid and updated. If you choose to submit a voter’s registration form from downloading it online, make sure you sign all documents before mailing them in and make copies of your documents. I was made aware of a situation that occurred today where a friend of mine noticed that she received two notifications from voting registration. The first letter states that she is registered to vote and the second letter indicates she is not registered. Observation 1: when you fill out a registration form from a representative, let’s say the ones that are on foot close to voting time, the representative will ensure you fill out the form correctly because if you do not, they are not paid. When you mail in your own registration form you are not double checked for doing so and one can easily say you did not sign all documents and thus you will not be registered to vote come voting day and unable to provoke change. (See where I am going with this) We all know things can get a little suspect around voting times. Your vote can change current political and judicial figures in office who do not protect the rights of the citizens and purposely target “minorities” (we really aren’t minorities, #HiddenColors), your vote can better control the use of guns and reduce gun violence, hold law enforcement officials accountable for their actions. So please please please make sure you are registered to vote and have the proper documentation especially if you believe voting makes a difference.

Dream Defenders: Child Bullet Proof Vest


Photo Credit:

A Black Activist Group in Florida Aims to Inspire Black Voters With Incredibly Chilling Ad

Know your kids are safe at home by buying them a bulletproof vest. This is one of the most effective ads I have ever seen. It takes at the core of the problem and I think it puts how serious gun violence and police brutality is amongst society. I hope this ad is perceived how I know it was intended. African-American parents are scared that their child may be the next Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin who in modern times is similar to Emmet Till. Black males and females are scared they will be the next headline and they should not have to live in this fear. This is a huge problem and we must fix it.

The System

The joy I felt watching this and having my very thoughts expressed. I have very strong thoughts about this video as it addresses the viewpoints that African-Americans have been trying to convey and the exact thoughts a great majority of the Caucasians have regarding how they feel Blacks are viewing them and this perspective immediately eliminates conversation as stated by the Caucasian gentlemen.


  1. Speaking from a woman of color’s perspective, we as black people are not blaming the Caucasians of today’s society for our struggles. We are not saying it is deliberately being performed by all white people and there is a secret meeting that this occurs at. No, we are not saying that all. There is no need to be sensitive and defensive, we just want you to understand the system and take part in changing it.
  2. What is occurring is that the fact that there is a SYSTEM designed deliberately in the past to oppress the black race and the system is unknowingly ingrained in our minds today. So we are naturally racist and have carried out the same system for so long because we were unaware of it.
  3. Examples: When African-American began being featured in films they only were given servant and roles that implied black people were lazy, unintelligent, scary, inferior to whites, entered society as slaves, maid roles, chauffeurs, odd jobs like walking horses, elevator men and never in any roles that portrayed power. So this conditions us to believe the black race are associated with these characteristics and thus the cycle constantly evolves. Example 2: Rarely will you find information regarding the history of blacks predating slavery (and I have read many history books in school so I know). This sends an even worse message to whites about blacks and blacks about themselves and towards whites.
  4. The first thing we need to do is ADMIT WE ALL RACIST! If you’re not a racist then you are true child of God because the system is designed for you to be a racist. Once we all admit it and understand it, then we can talk about it and fix it.
  5. As an African-American, I feel as if my entire life has been a lie. I feel like my culture, history, religion, my overall identity was stolen and has been hidden from me. I compare the feeling to finding out you were adopted. Once you find that out, you question everything that you have known about your life and that is exactly how I feel regarding the oppression of my people and history. This makes you angry and so as black people we have the right to be angry but how we channel that is what matters. We have to be sensitive to each other’s struggles.

The Real Soul Music: Classical Music

I was unaware of the Black influence on Classical Music and was introduced to this idea after watching the Hidden Colors documentary. I am beginning with Beethoven for the obvious reasons. His mother was a moor (meaning a black women, moor is a color not a person) and his direct African/Black affiliation is not emphasized.

As with anything concerning blacks, the depictions have been manipulated over time. Beethoven’s hair obtained so much attention because of it’s texture, indigenous to the characteristics of black people’s hair. Any African ancestry is barely mentioned in history texts and it was known that his mother was a Moor. I was not surprised at the difficulty of obtaining clues to the validity of his nationality and barely mentions his mother. I wonder why that is.

Classical music was derived from combining the concepts of the Harp, Xylophone and guitar to produce the piano. The Moors used “classical music” as we know it today but was considered soul music because it was used to heal the sick. The Moors would introduce music in the British colonies along with the Spanish. This style of music like many other was stripped from the Africans and passed off as British.

Hidden Colors

This blog is greatly inspired by the documentary Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed. Many of my references and comparison will be attributed to the findings of this documentary. I believe we have been left messages from our creators on our identity and it is waiting to be revealed. The Black/African/African-American race is a great race with a great history and a great story. We are not the minority. We do not know our history. I report what I consider to be facts and do my best to exclude any biases. I simply intend to provide you with the knowledge I am acquiring along my journey to explore my lineage, you decide what you want to do with it. I will find away to upload the documentary or post a link directing to the video, please stay tuned for the post.


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